Health Benefits of Martial Arts
You’ve heard and read it before, exercise plays a key role in keeping disease and illness at bay but if the idea of pumping iron or running 5 kilometers makes you want to poke your eye out with fork, then you might want to consider giving martial arts training a try.
Not only are martial arts classes fun but they also give you a full body workout. You get your cardio training, strength training and stretching all in 45 – 60 minutes. You’ll sleep better, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. And, you may also take off some pounds, if you attend classes regularly.
While it’s not for everyone, most people find that martial arts training helps the time pass more quickly than running aimlessly on a tread mill. You’ll get a good sweat going during class which helps to detoxify your body and keep you healthy. In addition, weight bearing exercise has been proven to ward off osteoporosis.
And, people who exercise regularly also find that they are able to handle the day to day stresses much better. I mean, who doesn’t have stress these days? Life is busy and there are so many pressures in trying to balance work, life and family. However, you’ll be able to give those important components of your life that much more focus and attention if you can carve out a few hours each week to devote to martial arts training.
At D’Souza Martial Arts we offer classes in Taekwondo in Waterloo, a martial art which has its origins from Korea. In contrast to Karate, there is a lot more kicking and lower body work. The more big muscles that you get moving, the more cardio benefits you get. While we have many long time students, we have new students joining our academy all the time. Classes are offered for pre-schoolers, kids, teens and adults.
Visit here for a list of class times and check out our new student specials.