Build Confidence with Martial Arts Training
The study of martial arts is a great way to build confidence in a person of any age. Not only does confidence come from trying and succeeding at something new but exercise in general is a great confidence builder. It’s that whole body, mind, spirit thing. Unfortunately, so many people lead sedentary lives today. So, just the act of getting out there and being physical and getting the blood and oxygen flowing through your body will help you feel more focused and energetic for all of your daily activities which leads more frequently to success at school and at work.
In particular, martial arts helps with focus and concentration. In learning the different patterns as you go through your training to obtain your next belt, you need to develop these skills. This heightened focus spills over into other areas of your life.
Further, martial arts training develops confidence through goal achievement. When you start, you start with a white belt. In Taekwondo, your first belt testing is a yellow stripe. You need to learn the first basic patterns in order to pass your testing to obtain your belt. Once you do and you move to the next level, the sense of achievement you feel is a great self-esteem boost. And, as you work your way through the next 9 belts to reach the black belt level you re-inforce these feelings of confidence along the way.
The most successful practitioners of martial arts are not necessarily those with the biggest muscles and the tallest stature. Because success in martial arts depends more on technique and speed, a person with a shorter stature or a slim build can easily learn to take down an opponent who is bigger than them. This can help kids feel more confidence in the playground, especially if they have ever been bullied.
Statistically, it is said that most people fear public speaking more than death. Martial Arts training can definitely help with this because in order to reach the black belt level, a student needs to eventually assist with teaching and coaching other students at lower belt levels. It is a non-judgemental environment for people to learn these skills and it’s always easier to speak publicly about a topic you know well.
Drop by D’Souza Martial Arts and talk to our third degree black belt instructor about trying out a class. We offer Tae Kwon Do Training for kids, teens and adults in North Waterloo.